Scientific Infographics
Advertisers know that the right image can be a critical component to any marketing campaign. Why should communicating science be any different? Beautiful, eye-catching images will help make your work stand out. Great graphics that complement your message are easy to disseminate in today’s online world and often are more easily understandable by the public. Working with TerraCommunications, I've created the following infographics to accompany scientific research papers. I was given a number of take aways, and asked to create visual representation.
National Geographic Infographic - Leopard (Panthera pardus) status, distribution, and the research efforts across its range
Interactive Animation/Infographic - Zinc Sustainability Website - visit to see in motion.
Carbon Sequestration - Carbon Cycle Institute Blog
Eutrophication Infographic - Water Research publication
Duke study: Landfill seagull poop hurts water quality of nearby lakes
Duke study: Landfill seagull poop hurts water quality of nearby lakes
Infographics, Icons, and Maps - Florida's Big Bend Shellfish Trail website
• Development of the Big Bend Shellfish website, in order to promote exploration and education about Florida shellfish, aquaculture, sustainable environments that protect the waters, where to eat and where to buy (retail) Big Bend shellfish. Created infographics, icons, maps and cohesive one page flyers for visitors hoping to take day trips around the area.
• Development of the Big Bend Shellfish website, in order to promote exploration and education about Florida shellfish, aquaculture, sustainable environments that protect the waters, where to eat and where to buy (retail) Big Bend shellfish. Created infographics, icons, maps and cohesive one page flyers for visitors hoping to take day trips around the area.
Nature Article Infographic - Upgrading protected areas to conserve wild biodiversity
Published in Nature, alongside Rob Pringle, from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University, we developed numerous infographics to assist in the communicaton of his research on “Upgrading protected areas to conserve wild biodiversity,” which highlights innovative restoration and rewilding programmes in Costa Rica and Mozambique.
Published in Nature, alongside Rob Pringle, from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University, we developed numerous infographics to assist in the communicaton of his research on “Upgrading protected areas to conserve wild biodiversity,” which highlights innovative restoration and rewilding programmes in Costa Rica and Mozambique.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases - Major Article - Human Gut Microbiota Predicts Susceptibility to Vibrio cholerae Infection
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability Journal - "Indigenous knowledge as data for modern fishery management: a case study of Dungeness crab in Pacific Canada"